Thursday, January 06, 2005

Bad Blockbuster

Here's something that pisses me off. And I am aware that it is completely stupid, and that it has nothing to do with me personally...

This 'No More Late Fees' with Blockbuster.
Okay, first, what the hell are they thinking? That is just a really bad business decision (unless I'm missing some fine print somewhere). Stupid business just irritates the fuck out of me.

Second, have you seen the commercial? With the almost lynch mob marching up to Blockbuster chanting their little hearts out? As if anyone has ever had a problem paying late fees. Geez! If you are late bringing movie/game back, you'll have to pay a fee. It's common. AND it is understood by the one renting what will happen if it isn't back by such-and-such time. Why would anyone storm up to them complaining about late fees??? Aren't they really saying they are too lazy to get off their fat asses and put the damn things in the drop box?

Just stupid, stupid, stupid!


vincent said...

ha! I always hated that commercial! It's a testament to the sheer laziness of people nowadays! There's no excuse for it! You can keep a movie for up to a week nowadays! How lazy do you have to be to not be able to turn it in on time!

Games I can understand because some of them take a LOOONG time to beat, but other than that...come on!

~J~ said...

Why do they even have those Loooooong games to rent? What's the point? By the time you've rented it enough to finish it, you may as well have bought it.