Sunday, February 06, 2005

Here we go. Time to prove yourselves!

I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz and then Check out the Scoreboard. But I think the scoreboard thing happens automatically, so why they feel the need to link to it...

That's right. I made the quiz. It's all about me. I got this from Cricket's blog. I lost the first test I made, and had to redo it. Which means, I put a lot of work/time into this. Or wasted a lot of time. Whatever.

Ready to find out how well you know me? How much have you been paying attention? We shall see, my friends, we shall see.

I dare you to take it.


~J~ said...

Congrats! You actually did better than someone that has seen me in person. He claims it's because he never listens to a word I say. *laugh* I know better... He listens to at least half.

Anonymous said...

WooHoo! I tied Larry!
