Friday, June 03, 2005

We're moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, that's right folks. We found a place.
It's a 3 bedroom, 2 full bathroom place. And the best part? You can't hook it up to some truck and haul it away! I am flipping out with unbridled joy!

...Until I look at all the packing... But then I remember my house-without-wheels, and I'm all better. Want to join me on my roller coaster?

I have pictures of the place , but I gotta tell you -- it's not my camera that pixelated the pics; 'Hello' did it all by itself. Damn it. Try to ignore all the tiny little boxes that make up the photo. (Wish I knew how to correct that annoying problem) Anyhoo, you'll get to see where I will be living.

The guy next door (read: landlord) looks like an old biker guy. He has been driving a school bus for 18 years -- so Little Diva will just have to walk to the bus, instead of waiting for it. How cool is that! (Now to figure out exactly which school that will be.)

Cable is already hooked up, and paid for, which means we have a good possibility of getting a ... *drum roll, please* cable modem!!! Can you imagine me without dial-up? I get giddy and light-headed with just the idea of it...

We will also be living a lot closer to our friends who were the reason we moved to TN in the first place. Most people think I moved down here to be closer to my parents. Me? I think that is an insane idea! Why would I move closer?? But alas, that part of my life has greatly improved also.

Yep. I love change. I think it's because I/We am/are so stable. A whirlwind could happen around me, but the inner core remains the same. So instead of something scary, it just becomes a new experience (even if the new thing freaks me out, I know who I can turn to). Good thing my family (as in husband and kid) enjoys the ride! For instance, we've all been just itching to move for around 6 months to a year now -- depending on which one of us you ask. According to my husband, we average about a year and a half in one place before moving on. We've been here 2 years. I've needed out of here much longer than either one of them, if I remember correctly.

And I'm rambling. I've been doing that a lot lately...

Woo hoo! New house!!

~Do not expand~


Robin Alexa said...

Congrats!!! Wishing you many happy years in your new home...and hopefully not too many stupid people in your neighbourhood :)

~J~ said...

Cricket - Well then, I must be extremely excited!! I thought this level was only achieved pre-orgasm...

Binsk - Thanks! Well, I already think one neighbor is stupid. They have this really big rottie penned up. The dog has a gorgeous dog house, but very little room to move. How the hell is he supposed to run, exercise, stretch, etc? And we heard they never let him out. Poor puppy...