Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Things that make you go ... uhhh, I don't get it.

I was thinking about the weird things we feel uncomfortable with in our relationships. Ya know, the things that just don't make sense if we use the logical part of our brains.

For instance: I do not have a problem pissing out a lovely yellow stream (on the toilet, of course) in front of my husband. Something that's thought of as unclean (Most people don't say, "Ooo, she's pissing. I wanna go down on her." [Yes, I said most.]).

But I don't want him to watch me give myself a quick wash before sex -- something that is very clean.

Why is that? Why do we have such weird idiosyncrasies in our relationships?

With other people, I would have no problem having sex with them, -- revealed in all my glory -- but I would not want them to see me anywhere near a toilet.

It's these strange musings that cause traffic jams on my brain waves.

~Do not expand~


vincent said...

Gee I don't know, the thought of my ol' lady taking a big ol' dump just kinda puts me out of the mood.

~J~ said...

Now you're being weird.
I didn't say anything about dumping. I don't want anyone around AND I don't want to be around anyone doing that.
Definitely a mood killer.

~J~ said...

You guys have totaly missed the point of this post. *laugh* I know, I know. I didn't help, did I?

~J~ said...

totALLY. oops.

Robin Alexa said...

I pee in front of my man.

But I don't freshen up in front of him either. Weird that.