Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I'm not dead.

Wow. It has been for-fucking-ever since I've blogged. I feel like such a bum. Actually, I have been anything but a bum...
We've been talking lately how we just want to take a break from our busy schedule.

The weekend of the 1st and 2nd, we cleaned change for Katrina victims. This is change that has been thrown into the fountains at the Mountain Mall in Gatlinburg. Twice a year, the change is fished out of there, and donated to a worthy place. (And it has to be cleaned cuz it's pretty funky after sitting in water all that time.) We threw the change in a cement mixer with sand to buff them up, rinsed it off, and spread on a tarp to dry. Then it all had to be sorted, and put in 5 gallon buckets. Very time consuming, and very rewarding!

The night of the 2nd, I had a meeting to attend.

Tuesdays (4th) are always potlucks - just an excuse for our 'family' to get together. It's always a great time.

5th - Birthday.

6th - Husband was gone that night, and Little Diva's homework was stressing me out (or was it her behavior concerning the work?).

7th - Husband/homework stress repeated. Plus we had people coming here to crash, and spend Saturday with us. (Which, btw, also meant I went through the stress of making sure this place was 'company' clean.)

8th - Everyone here until about 9pm. We had a wonderful time! I love my freaky friends.

9th - I had to leave for the entire day. I had committed myself to something, and followed through.

11th - Open house at Diva's school. Met with her teacher. Potluck again!! Woo hoo!!

Today - Little Diva had a Dr. Appt.

Tomorrow - Little Diva is auditioning for a talent show at her school. Dropping the dogs off for a weekend at a friend's house.

Friday - Leaving for Atlanta, and Diva's opportunity.

16th - Get back from Atlanta. Drum circle (if either of us even feels like going).

17th - Friends are getting handfasted, and there is a dinner that one of us is going to attend. Only one of us cuz Diva will need to get to bed on time that night after her busy weekend.

18th - Potluck!!

19th - Stitch -n- Bitch or Crafty Vixens night. We'll be working on Diva's Goth dress for Halloween. I can't wait! The kid designed it herself. I am so stealing the pattern!!!

21st - Fiber Fair in Asheville.

22nd - Being kept open for a tentative road trip plan.

Etc., etc., etc.

See? Been busy, and I don't like it. Well, not this busy anyway. I need more down time. I've wanted to blog, but I haven't had the energy to do it. Sleep has been a fleeting thing lately too. Color me exhausted for the last six weeks or so. With so many things going on, it's almost impossible to get a good night's sleep. Sucks for the sex drive! Well, not the drive exactly - just the energy it would take to follow through with the idea.

I am really excited about going to Atlanta though. Even tho' we'll be busy, it may be just the break we are both craving. And, of course, in true Me fashion, I have added on extra things that need to be done before we leave Friday: I want to sew at least one pair of pants to wear down there. I got them cut out today. I'm hoping the sewing part won't take too long. AND I hope I have enough time to make two pairs. I'm nuts, I know. I'll relax down there, I promise!!

I'm starving, and I need to get supper started. Then I will try to Just Chill. *grin*

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

vincent said...

Well jeepers! I'm glad you're not dead! Thanks for letting us know!
Have fun with all your busy bee work and... stuff.