Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Superman's knife - if he had one

I got sucked into an infomercial today. I slept on the couch last night, so, in my defense, I was still in my waking up process.

Anyway, it was the coolest frickin' knife ever!!! It was sonic something or other. This thing sliced through everything w/o anything getting squished. No, seriously, nothing got squished. They even cut a slice of bread into two pieces. Now before you roll your eyes and tell me you do that every time you have a sandwich, that's not what I mean. They sliced it the long way. You ended up having two thinner slices of bread (the selling point was cutting down on carbs if anyone cares about that). Try cutting a slice of bread with your favorite, sharpest knife. See if it squishes. See if it is even possible.

There are different blades for this thing, including a craft blade. It cut a frozen pizza in half! Now the cool thing about all of this, is you aren't sawing back and forth. You just glide this knife right through. The sonic-whatever slices for you. Think about that: gliding through a frozen pizza. Wow, huh?

You recharge it, and it's cordless - perfect for outdoor use!

So, has anyone seen this knife or, better yet, used it? I would love to hear opinions.

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looked it up. Lots of moving parts - you wouldn't want to try cleaning that thing after cutting up a chicken. There is a smaller blade moving inside the bigger one. You'd have to boil the thing to clean it. Bleck. Interesting idea though. ;>