Thursday, September 30, 2004

Dumbass Strikes Again!!

I'm checking Dumbass's site again-- which I'll do until all pics are removed...

And he is still naming names. And promising more pics to come. Of course, he says 'with permission, of course ha ha ha'.

He had 'permission' to take my pic, too. He did not have permission to post it publicly and start threads about me. Makes me wonder.... What is going on in that twisted head of his? What does he consider asking permission? Do I really have to break his camera? (Oh please please please!) More importantly, do I have to warn all my friends to avoid him while he has camera in tow?

As much of a dumbass as he is, I would really hate for it to escalate to new levels--- just because he can't learn.

Here's a thought: maybe some lab has been trying experimental drugs on him so much, he doesn't even know they are doing it anymore. And it has gotten so bad, he can't understand anything outside of his own head. Now the lab is trying to fix the problem they created--with more drugs. But they are starting to run out, and he is left to his own devices. Which is bad for the world-- so the secret lab is starting over. They are trying to create a superhero this time to balance out the evil they wrought on our planet. But they don't want to make the same mistake twice. This time they are going to use Organic drugs. We all know it's safe, if it's organic...

And I have discovered a new topic for another post: Organic stupidity.

People really ARE stupid

I had a long conversation today that caused me to look back at my life a little bit. It was unbelievable! It was like a slide show of stupid people. Where do I find them? I am starting to think there is some cosmic design that attracts them to me...

There's the guy that tried to have sex without ANY depth perception
And there's a whole group that thought they could actually charm me away from my husband
The girl that begged me to fix her problems without taking any advice or working on the problem even a little
There's the guy that believed the 'thought' of sex with him would be enough to do it for me
There's a whole group of US born people that somehow cannot understand the English language (and I am not talking about anyone with a foreign accent-- so don't get your panties in a twist)
The people that actually believe the entertainment media
The people that sit in a Smoking Section--and then proceed to complain about all the smokers
The people with the tiny pretty sports cars that follow me like they are trying to get inside my ass (don't they know one good slam of my brakes won't hurt me, but their pretty car will squish like a soda can?)
The parents that don't discipline at all- yet blame the other kid's parents for something their very own little shit did
The people that believe themselves above everyone else (when everyone else is laughing at them--don't they see?? You would think, from way up there where they reside, the vision would be hawk-like)
The people that underestimate other people (although I kind of like it when they underestimate me--I love that look of surprise when they didn't see me coming)
The people that believe the wrong thing even when facts proving differently are shoved down their throats
The guys that act surprised their sperm could actually impregnate a girl if they don't wrap it up
The girl that won't ask the guy to wear a condom because she's afraid he will say no to sex with her if there is a layer of latex between them (as if you want to even get naked and risk the cesspool of bodily fluids with that guy)
The guy that won't wear a condom (I can't keep it up, It doesn't feel good, I can't feel anything with one on, If you loved (trusted) me you would, Why?-are you cheating on me?, I don't have one - so we'll have to go without this time, It's okay- I'm sterile/tested/had a vasectomy, I've never used one and don't intend to start---Take Your Pick... I have heard of guys saying a lot more)

Actually, there are a whole bunch of dumb things guys are oblivious to when it comes to sex, but that is an entirely different post.

And to top off my Dumbass-flashback day, I got bit by a dog trying to break up a fight. It wasn't even my dog!! As a matter of fact, I was just standing there at that exact moment--trying to figure out how to grab his scruff, and hold him down, without getting dog slime on me. What do I get for my efforts? An urge to beat the dog (which I didn't act out). Dumbass dog.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Dumbass Update

Okay, I got up today, and the first thing I checked was Dumbass W/ Camera's site. Good news! He has been enlightened. His life now has meaning like never before. He is forever a changed person.

He, like others before him, has discovered the Delete button.

I cannot take all the credit. I was not the only one that spoke up. (However, I was probably the only one that said he would be lucky if I spit on his grave....) But, I digress. Actually he was told to remove them, don't upload anymore, and respond to say he was removing them. I got a forward of that particular email. And shamed Dumbass's response. We are talking mostly lower-case letters, not full sentences.... You could see a little kid toeing the floor, mumbling, on the verge of tears....

It was great!!! I literally got up and danced around my house.

I'm sure, months from now, I might feel bad about giving in to my inner bitch. But for now- I am not ashamed.

But he is.... hee hee hee

Also, another friend of mine wrote to the admin of the site informing them that Dumbass did not have prior approval to post pics of all these people. I love her! She is just too cool.

"Dumbass Bridge is falling down...."

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Dumbass Camera Owner

Ever surfed the web and found pics of your best friends? yourself? your kid???

I have.

I wanted to jump in my vehicle and drive all over the U.S. to find the dumbass that thought it would be okay to spread it around. And not just random pics---pics with detailed descriptions. With place names and people's names and an almost description what place in the country these pics took place at.

And to top it all off---even after he has no asshole left (due to the blasting I gave it during my murderous rage)-- the pics are still there. Still there! And there are threads about these pics. A thread about my kid! Grrr...

So, I have been trying to make myself feel better fantasizing about walking up to him, snatching his camera and throwing it against a tree. Or stomping on it. Or tossing it into a lake. Or taking a hammer to it. Or using his face as the hammer. Hmmm...

*Camera in little tiny itty bitty pieces all over the ground and daring him to say anything to me about it*

Mmmmm.... What a nice thought. Sugarplum dreams nice.

Worship me

Ever been around one of those people that are trying to say something, but can't? You can almost see it: Just pry open their mouth and pull it out. And when they finally verbally vomit all over you--- Damn! Why did you try so hard to find out?

Because what finally comes out is something like "Would you like to be worshipped?" "What are my chances?" "Would you ever consider someone like me?" "How would you like me to make you scream (in pleasure)?"

And then you actually have to put forth an effort to say no creatively. And try not to watch their world come crashing down or get caught in the falling debris.

It's an artform. My latest answer had to do with the chances question.

"So are my chances hopeless?"

"Depends on what your cause is. If you are wondering what your chances are to be friends, they ARE NOT hopeless. If you are thinking long term relationship, yeah, your chances ARE hopeless. If you are thinking just one night, chances aren't exactly hopeless. You have as good a chance as anyone else here."

Of course, I said that to someone who has been watching me for years, and has never seen me go off with anyone. Think he got the point?

I finally figured out what to say to all the worshippers:
"I'm married. I can have great sex anytime I want. If you want to get with this, you'll have to do something pretty damn special."

And before all you fundies start freaking--- yes, it is cool if I have sex with someone else. It is also cool if he has sex with someone. Jealousy does not enter our relationship.

Now the only problem is finding someone worth the effort of nakedness.

Wish me luck. Lots and lots of luck.