Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Dumbass Camera Owner

Ever surfed the web and found pics of your best friends? yourself? your kid???

I have.

I wanted to jump in my vehicle and drive all over the U.S. to find the dumbass that thought it would be okay to spread it around. And not just random pics---pics with detailed descriptions. With place names and people's names and an almost description what place in the country these pics took place at.

And to top it all off---even after he has no asshole left (due to the blasting I gave it during my murderous rage)-- the pics are still there. Still there! And there are threads about these pics. A thread about my kid! Grrr...

So, I have been trying to make myself feel better fantasizing about walking up to him, snatching his camera and throwing it against a tree. Or stomping on it. Or tossing it into a lake. Or taking a hammer to it. Or using his face as the hammer. Hmmm...

*Camera in little tiny itty bitty pieces all over the ground and daring him to say anything to me about it*

Mmmmm.... What a nice thought. Sugarplum dreams nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He should at least take your kids pics off. Have your husband talk to him, or for a small fee i'll do it.