Friday, May 13, 2005

Sayonara! Adieu! Au revoir!

I am about to leave for my two part trip. First, out to the castle until Wednesday morning. (4am. Being awake that early should be outlawed.) Then off to Minnesota! (Hopefully the weather will clear up by then.)

You may all shed a tear for me. I will be without internet access until May 23rd. Argh! How will I survive? I'll miss all of you so much!!

I love my blogging buddies...

~Do not expand~


Cylithria Dubois said...

eek, safe journies and you'll be gone until the 2rd........k i wont send out a posse looking for you until the 24th LOL have a great time!!!!!

Robin Alexa said...

Have fun! See you (I mean read you) from you when you get back :)