Thursday, October 20, 2005

Little Diva's

Okay. I suck. At this whole blogging thing anyway...

Last weekend rocked. The Little Diva attracted a lot of attention from a lot of good contacts.
We arrived Friday evening. I ran downstairs to get her registered for the event. We haven't even checked into the hotel yet. While I am getting her badge and stuff, she walks up to the photographer, and says, "Hey, do you remember me?" He did, and started asking about the outfits she had for the weekend. We had no idea why, but we were not going to question it. Any help we can get is welcomed. He has her try on a few different combinations, and then picks one. Little Diva finally asks why he is doing all this. He tells her he is going to take her picture. A free photo shoot? No way!! How cool is that?
He shot a roll of film, and then took a few Polaroids - one of him and her together. That one is great. He wrote all over it: Mr. Photographer & Ms. Supermodel; The good looking people; This is us, etc... All very cute, and the kid loved it!
He then gave us his contact information, and wants us to keep in touch.

And all of that before checking into the hotel. It set a great tone for the weekend.

And to make a long story short, she got 5 callbacks, was recorded for an informative video, and we will probably go with the agency in Atlanta.

While I am on the subject of Little Diva, we have decided to homeschool her. She just isn't learning in public school. She needs more one-on-one --instead of getting in trouble for not paying attention when she truly doesn't understand. She's in fourth grade, and she routinely is up until 11pm or later working on homework. She has to wait until she get home, and we explain it to her before she understands it. Yep, she has a great teacher at school, eh?

We even signed her up for tutoring. You know what they did? Played games on the computer. Granted, they were educational games, but that is not tutoring. Tutoring is helping someone understand so they can do their work.

Can you tell I'm not happy?
I even kept her home today -well, part of the day- because she is so exhausted. Her teacher called to find out if she was sick, and I told her why she stayed home. Good ol' teacher thought it was because we were gone last weekend. Hello! It's Thursday! I would think she would've recovered from last weekend by now. I made sure I told her that the weekend wouldn't have been so bad, but she was up until midnight doing homework Saturday night. I really want to tell that teacher where to go and what to do when she gets there.
This is the same teacher that assumed -because her homework grades are so much better than her grades in school- that we were standing over her giving her the answers. Yeah bitch, that's why she's barely able to keep herself awake: 'Cuz we give her the answers , and she has all kinds of free time & gets to go to bed on time every night, right?

If anyone knows of a good homeschool, -non-Christian, please- let me know.

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish you were closer. ((HUGS)) ~S