Sunday, April 03, 2011

Ditch Witch (x2) In FairyTale Land

No, not the brand name..

I have this unnatural love of digging. I love having a shovel in my hand, seeing the progress as I go... What is so unnatural about this, you may ask? I DO NOT have a love for manual labor. I prefer to delegate (unless I'm the only one that can do it correctly).

I sound arrogant and lazy, I know..

It's not exactly that, though. It is merely a question of motivation. For instance, I have absolutely no desire to gather brush, chop wood, or anything at all to do with firewood, except enjoy the fire and aerate it after it is burning, but there is someone here who LOVES anything wood. He will even chop wood in the dark with a flashlight.

I understand. Give me a shovel. I'll be there all day and into the night, if possible.

As soon as I get dressed and brush my teeth, I'm outta here to go work on a natural spring with another Witch, and make it more beautiful than it already is. We are allowing it to breathe, to flow... TO BE, once again. It used to be the spring they drank out of when they first bought the place back in the 80's... Before that, a local moonshiner (now dead) had one of his stills in this spring... I have felt drawn to this spot, just like the woman with whom I'm working on this project.. (Who? Whom?)

I can't wait!! I've been waiting all week to go diggin'!!

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