Thursday, October 14, 2004

Let me hand you my leash....

I hate being told what to do. Or expected to act a certain way.... "And if you don't I'll be really pissed and take it as a personal insult"
And with the guidelines I am told to work within? Makes the 'request' even more impossible. In fact, I would be willing to at least give it a lame attempt. But knowing that if I tell this person I can't -actually can not- pull it off, said control freak will get offended, pissed, etc.
So tempted to not participate at all. Of course, that would be worse. I know this, yet I still can't win. Because control freak won't think ahead to what could be worse... just what is Now.
Nice, huh?


vincent said...

sheesh. Who pissed you off THIS time???

Anonymous said...

Try slow, dee-p breathing.