Sunday, October 10, 2004

Yet Another One

Okay, last test (so far)--

What Sex in the City Vixen Are You Most Like?
(and I have never seen the show)

The HTML crap isn't working on this one for some reason. I am going to have to do this manually. *deep breath*
You Are Most Like Samantha!

For you, dating is the ultimate sport. You're into guys with power, looks, or a lot of money. You'd rather have two great weeks, than a great forever. But even you fall victim to love from time to time. :-)

Romantic prediction: You'll find love in the next few months... But you'll be the last one to realize it.

Yay me! The Sport of Dating-- you betcha! But falling in love in the next few months? Yeah, right, whatever...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
