Thursday, February 10, 2005

Strange Habits

I have this habit of opening a new browser window every time I want to look at something.
This has several side effects/benefits. (Mostly side effects)
  • It slows down my computer if I have too many open.
  • I can get up to the minute updates on my favorite blogs.
  • I forget about some of the screens I opened.
  • I often surprise myself with how many are open.
  • I also often wonder why I opened some of them in the first place, and have to spend time figuring it out.
  • I never thought much about this until I got Statcounter, and realized all the people that would think I was camped out at their site. I am not a stalker, I swear!!

I'm sure there are more, but I can't think right now...

1 comment:

Robin Alexa said...

I'm a blog stalker, only because the blogs that I have in my favourites are interesting to read! And feel free to stalk me anytime, I love the company.