Friday, December 16, 2005

Can you tell how much he means to me?

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Some people really suck, ya know?

A friend of mine posted bail awhile back for a couple of losers - that were friends at the time. A stupid chick and her child-boyfriend. Letting them know, of course, this money was taken out of his budget and wasn't extra that he just had lying around.

To my knowledge, they still have not paid him back for it.

To add insult to injury, they did not show up for their court date. DID NOT.

Now he has to pay the money or go to jail. We are not talking about an ordinary person, folks. He is welcoming and generous and way more kind than I could ever pretend to be - while still being real. I have never seen anyone so accommodating - with the exceptions of the codependents. This is different. This is genuine.

And they skip town and fuck HIM over?!?!? This is unreal. Just recently, they were at his place hanging out.

All they had to do was show up.

The good thing to come from all this is they are finally on everyone's shit list. Before it was, "I don't like them." or "I know they are part of all this, but I don't want to hang with them." Now it's, "They did what?? To him?? Fuck 'em." The people I talked to are in agreement that if they do see them, they will bite the bullet, be nice, entertain them -one even said she would take them out for a meal, her treat- until the bail bondsman or cops can be called to pick their sorry asses up.

A few posts ago, I talked about acceptance and tolerance. Well, here's me, accepting their choice, and making one of my own. Even striving to be accepting and tolerant, there are still lines that get crossed. And my lines are drawn deep in the sand. I know my boundaries. That stupid bitch and her boytoy fucked over one of my friends in a bad way. I have made the choice I know longer have to be civil to her (at least after her ass is in jail).

I won't make this choice for all of my friends. But this one is special. I love him very much.

Just so y'all know, I don't need any comforting or anything like that. I am very comfortable and happy in my decision. :D

Ya know, stupid bitch and boytoy were just digging themselves a bigger hole all the time with so many people. Most of them were almost at the breaking point anyway. I guarantee this put all of them over the edge.

Some will say that it isn't really the boytoy's fault cuz he might be a little slow. You know what I say? That's bullshit. Dude isn't in a coma or brain dead or even paralyzed. He can remember a court date, AND find a way there, even if she didn't want to. (Besides, I think his slowness is all a big lie. I would go more for the term: horribly immature.)

(FYI: She considers herself a dominatrix. That is why, to show extreme disrespect to her, I have made any reference to her tiny. Most capitalize their pronouns. It's how you can tell a sub and Dom apart in a chat room.)

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