Tuesday, May 03, 2005


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Last Saturday I saw two movies in the theatre. We have this great place here that only charges a buck fifty per movie. So, if you are patient enough, you can see the newer movies at a later time w/o having to shell out several hundred dollars.

We saw National Treasure (my kind of movie!), and A Series of Unfortunate Events (cuz we have read part of the series).
We enjoyed both movies. I think (and I'm surprised by this) National Treasure was my favorite. My excitement level didn't die down during the entire movie. Like I said, my kind of movie. Mysteries, clues, stuff going back hundreds of years... *happy sigh* I think I may want to own it.

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Since Series combined the first three books, I need to get more of the series. We've read the first two books, and we have 8,9, and 10. Can't read those yet!

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I think I want to make this double feature a regular thing.

On a sidenote, why are my pics pixelating? I've used Hello and ImageShack, and they are both doing it. Hello never used to do it, but all the pics on my photoblog are doing it too. Argh!! Help!!

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

vincent said...

Ah, the good 'ol Dollar Movie. I remember it well. I don't go there too often nowadays what with all the young people sneaking around.
Damn kids and their music.