Sunday, December 25, 2005

Been offline for awhile...

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We had a great Yule. We partied and paid respect to that light that burns within all of us on Tuesday night, and Wednesday was present/stocking day!!! Our gifts went over really well. Thank god! I was panicked about the whole thing since they were handmade. It was our first year of making all our gifts - Well, not the stocking stuffers. Those we bought.

They were both really warm fuzzy feel good days.

Then I got sick. *laugh* On Thursday, to be precise. I've spent Wed thru last night on the couch. Mostly cuz I was too weak to clear off my bed, which is where I dropped everything Wed night.

Last night I felt better. I knew I wasn't all the way there yet, but I was close.

We also decided to do a "just the three of us" celebration. Five, if you count the dogs. The main reason we did a different day was because we hadn't bought Little Diva all her gifts yet. This gave us more time. *grin*

We went shopping (grocery and Xmas) Friday night. I rested all day knowing I would be in a very busy store later on. The shopping went off without a hitch. We opened gifts yesterday.

We bought ourselves cell phones!!! So behind the times, I know. We got the Go phone. So far, I like it. It doesn't cost anything to call each other - or any other Cingular user for that matter. Also, we were worried it wouldn't pick up the signal where we live, or that it would sound horrible. Neither of these things happened. Yay!!

We bought a couple games for the family. We are going to start a Family Game Night. I can't wait to teach Little Diva Risk!!

I have finally felt well enough to get online tonight. I had withdrawals, people!!!!!

~Do not expand~


Anonymous said...

yuck on the sick...woooot on the rest of it! :)

and wow...cell phones, huh? :D

Cylithria Dubois said...

Glad to hear your Yule was so excellent J. It sucks that you got sick Thursday, hopefully your on your way to feeling better. Much Love to you lady (((J))))