Friday, March 24, 2006

I'm back from MN.

For all of you wondering, I am doing just fine.

People are born, and people die. It's what happens in-between that matters. My mom had a fantastic in-between. She was loved by many.

None of us kids will ever be able to measure up to her life. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I enjoy my seclusion. It's not important for me to have get-togethers like it was for my mom. She worked very hard at being the perfect hostess to the known and unknown alike.

I actually feel like me again. I missed me. I never realized how much I like me until I wasn't around for awhile. (I hope that made sense without sounding narcissistic.)

I feel motivated to live again. My headaches have almost disappeared. I'm still getting them more frequently that I ever used to, but I can deal with it. It's not a daily thing anymore. My kid isn't asking me to stop having them anymore.

Now I have the normal stress of getting the house ready before my in-laws come down. Deadline is April 23rd. Trust me, that's not enough time without killing myself, but I'll get it done. Probably drive my family crazy in the process, but they'll just have to make the sacrifice dammit. :D

I may actually feel like socializing soon. I know I'm answering a few more emails, and I actually made a phone call tonight to one of my best buds. I haven't talked to him in like forever. Damn dolphins!

I saw a few more of my friends tonight - not cuz I was visiting, but cuz I was dropping my kid off. I realized how much I missed all of them. Especially this one dude that can read my mind like it was a comic book laying open on the floor.

I may even be in the mood for sex. You have no idea how rare that has been the past few months. Everything I was going through sucked all desire outta me. A few times I kinda felt like it, other times I was convinced it might help me relax... I don't think there was one time that I was really into it - from conception to action, that is. Well, maybe once. (Just in case I've forgotten something.)

I am feeling a huge sense of relief, and that has helped me feel good. Feeling good is always preferable.

I will say I am grieving in the strangest way ever. It almost feels like I'm not grieving. Weird, eh? I just keep surprising myself. :D

Okay folks, over and out!

~Do not expand~

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