Monday, May 14, 2007

So happy!

We finally bought a laptop!!!! I am so over-the-top excited!

I am sitting in my bed, drinking coffee, typing this to post later. How freakin' cool is that?

I know. Took me long enough, right?

We also really wanted to have a laptop before our trip to MN this summer. Mostly cuz we are driving up, and we want something to do in the car. We have already installed The Sims. I'll get a few expansion packs to install from a friend of ours.

I have decided this is the solution to my lack of blogging. It's sitting down at the big PC, firing it up (since I'm not on it every day), etc.. With the laptop, I can type my entries in notepad, and copy/paste them online later.

One of my favorite things (so far) about the laptop are the Gadgets. I don't know enough yet to know if it is a strictly Vista thing, or if it is pretty common with Windows... I have no idea. I do know that I have a cool sidebar with an analog clock, a calendar, post-it pad (my favorite!), a CPU meter, a slideshow, and a picture puzzle.

The graphics rock. We wanted Intel, but settled for AMD instead. We wanted 2G of RAM, but settled for 1G. We have 160G memory, though. Pretty cool, eh? It also has a webcam and mic already built in. So excited!!!!

I haven't even hooked it up to the internet yet. I can't wait!

We also bought a carrying case for it. That wasn't in the original plan, but we were saving a lot by settling for less than what we wanted. I love my new laptop case!

I'll be looking at skins for my laptop. Shiny black is pretty and all, but I want something that screams me.

We also got an inverter for the car. Apparently an inverter (which gives you a place to plug something in) is cheaper that a car adapter for a laptop. This also means Little Diva might be able to play her PS2 on the trip to MN. Her portable DVD player has hook-ups for stuff like that. Diva has been saving her money for a long time and was able to buy the DVD player yesterday when we bought the laptop. That was a great purchase for her. She brought a movie with us, and watched it on the way home. So quiet, no trouble whatsoever, and the best part... She didn't feel car sick!!!!

We need to get a splitter for the cig lighter.

Ta ta for now! Y'all will be seeing a lot more of me, I promise! (Threaten?)

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

cricket said...

woohoo!! show us a picture!! :D

oh, and *hugs* ...miss you!!! :)