Friday, May 18, 2007


Yesterday I was ready to get my kid on drugs AND send her to boarding school. Not one or the other. I was ready to ship her ass out, and let someone else deal. I was done. Luckily, the man stepped in. He took charge, and I'm willing to give it another shot today.

I'm not going into any details. Little Diva doesn't deserve that. Suffice it to say, I was DONE. I had a total meltdown. I pretty much figured nothing has ever worked, and nothing ever will. I felt helpless. I didn't have any options left - at least that is how I felt. I was ready to hand her off to whoever would be willing to take her.

I did tell her I was willing to let her go to public school again if she really wants to. I also told her that if I find out she does even one inappropriate thing with a boy, I will yank her out so fast she won't know what hit her.

I am aware how awful this sounds. Judge if you want. I just lost it. I think this 24-7 thing with no possibility for parole (babysitter) is a lot to handle. No 'adult only' time to go out or whatever. The Diva is always there doing her drama queen thing. Always.

I could have a girls night out, but the timing is off. We are tightening the belts around here until our trip to MN in July. No extra spending allowed, eat cheap crap food, put every cent toward vacation spending money, etc.

I have two opportunities for overnight road trips before MN. I need to figure it out before I go crazy and take everyone down with me.

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

vincent said...

Pffft! They only kids I plan on having are knuckle children if ya catch my drift!