Sunday, May 08, 2011

Best May Eve and May Day EVER!!!!! (Still high from the experience..)

I have desired to write this post since last weekend, but no words were coming to me.

Last weekend was May Eve and May Day. Beltane Energy was running high for those of us here. The entire MayFest is foggy in my memory. I can remember points of interest here and there. I have not been able to remember in any kind of linear fashion in order to write about it. Those may be my own restrictions that are hindering me.

Do you know the myth attached to Faerie Rings? It used to be quite common. People used to avoid Faerie Rings like we avoid puddles. Maybe more so... If you step into Faerie, either on purpose or accidentally, your World changes. Your senses are delighted, and you are in a different World with a different way of keeping Time. One night in Faerie equals 100 years in our World. Step in, feel good, party like you've never partied before, step out, and all your friends are dead and the World has moved on without you. Ah, the danger of Faerie...

Last weekend felt like being in Faerie... There was Love, Passion, Fun, Song and Dance, an Openness that's very unusual for a crowd to share and More...

I had decided it would be okay if, upon waking, I found the World had moved on. My friends were in Faerie with me, so how could it possibly be a bad thing? It couldn't. If we decided we didn't want to be in the World, we could have stepped back into Faerie for another one hundred years.

I don't know what else to say... If Faerie beckoned me again, I would go.. (and in less than two weeks I'll be heading to Ireland - Land of the Fae. We'll see what happens then...)

Dance of the Wild Faeries
Gary Stadler And Windy Rule
Posted November 5th, 2009 at 3:16PM

I wandered alone to the forest one night
Led by a music strange to hear
And followed the glow of a shimming light
That seemed to grow distant as I grew near

The woods were alive with the fragrance of spring
But winter was everywhere clear to see
The moon shone bright and a bat on the wing
Beckoned me closer and said to me:

"A clearing close In the forest you'll find
A fabulous banquet, a fairy ball
If you close your eyes and you open your mind
The veil disappears and you'll see it all"

Come and play as the wild fairies play
In a magical circle, a fairy ring
You won't want to leave and forever you'll stay
Where the vision is bright as spring

Come and dance the wild fairy dance
Spin in a circle as fast as light
Once you begin you are caught in a trance
And the world can grow old in a single night

When I closed my eyes to the shimmering light
All memory faded and I could see
That a mushroom circle of red and white
And myriad fairies surrounded me

Beyond all space and beyond all time
On gossamer wings did the fairies fly
With a joy unknown to a music sublime
The fairies danced, and there danced I

Come and play as the wild fairies play
In a magical circle, a fairy ring
You won't want to leave and forever you'll stay
Where the vision is bright as spring

Come and dance the wild fairy dance
Spin in a circle as fast as light
Once you begin you are caught in a trance
And the world can grow old in a single night

"Those who seek us surely find us
See the trail we leave behind us
Some bewildered, some enlightened
Some are brave, some are frightened
Are we kind or are we vicious?
Nectar poison or delicious?
That, my sweet, you will discover
Fairy foe, or fairy lover"

Come and play as the wild fairies play
In a magical circle, a fairy ring
You won't want to leave and forever you'll stay
Where the vision is bright as spring

Come and dance the wild fairy dance
Spin in a circle as fast as light
Once you begin you are caught in a trance
And the world can grow old in a single night

I wandered alone to the forest one night
Led by a music strange to hear
If you happen to pass when the moon is bright
And the veils are thin you will find me here...
If the veils are thin you will find me here

Here's a YouTube link to hear the song. Most of the time when I hear it, it's Little Diva singing it slower, with a lilting Faerie-like voice that makes me want to run into the woods and get lost....

Wild Faeries Dance
The lyrics on YouTube are slightly different towards the end than the ones I've posted.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

10 years ago today...

We hopped in the car and moved to the Great State of Tennessee.

10 years ago today, L drove a giant Uhaul 22 1/2 hours, straight through from Minnesota, and we arrived at my mom's house at 3:30am on the 27th. When we woke up, on the 27th, we headed over to our temporary trailer - temporary, because we were planning on moving to Knoxville as soon as possible to be closer to L's job. It was an awful place to live in the 2000's, but in the 70's, when it was new, it was a 'high end' trailer.

10 years ago today, we began our Southern learning, starting with the redneck family living across the dirt road from us.

10 years ago today, our lives completely changed, and we were on our new path as a family and as individuals.

10 years ago today, we started on a brand new adventure, and we are still wondering where it will take us.

10 years ago today feels like yesterday...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

IRELAND!!!!!! or Why fight the Awesome?

I am going to Ireland in May!!!!

A friend of mine, K, has been requested to design and build a Meditation Garden for the 17th incarnation of a Tibetan artist. He's part of the Dalai Lama's inner circle.

He lives in Ireland with his Irish fairy-like wife.

We will be on the coast in Southwest Ireland. It's beautiful there, I'm told.

There are so many unknowns for this trip. We know we'll be staying on his acreage, but accommodations are unknown. We'll figure out how we'll need to adjust once we are there. Hippie road trip!!

We are going to party in Dublin for the first few days, before we start working.

K has come up with a million ideas for designs so far. That's also an unknown. I have no idea exactly what we'll be creating. It will be beautiful. That's a certainty.

I am a picky eater, and I'm not exactly fond of blood as an ingredient (like for black pudding). It's unknown what I will be able or willing to eat. Although, they do have potatoes, cheese, and bread, so I will have sustenance. I also hope to gain weight while I am there. There is no Mt. Dew (my favorite), so I will have to figure out something else. I plan to try Nash's Red Lemonade. I get to explore the food realm!

I did get an International Driving Permit, which totally cracks me up. I've never been outside the good ol' U S of A before, so driving on the wrong side of the road should be interesting. If I can manage it... It sounds like we'll be renting an Aston Martin to drive while there. It's either that or a BMW. No, seriously... Those are the two choices.

And of course - the unknown unknowns - like international travel. I have no idea what that will entail. I can only hope to not look like a stupid 'Mercan (2 syllables). There will be other unknown unknowns that I have no inkling of so far... (That's what makes them "unknown" *laugh*.)

At this time, the two cultures, Irish and Tibetan, are also pretty big unknowns. I will be researching that before packing. I do not wish to offend through ignorance.

This is how I described it in an email to someone earlier this month:

Ireland is this whirlwind I am currently caught up in... Totally great!!!

Our friend K met the Dalai Lama's best friend, who is the 17th incarnation of a certain Tibetan artist. He has acreage in Ireland, where he currently lives (can't remember the exact reason, but it's also interesting). He wants K to make him a Meditation Garden, which will be no small thing. Lots of different features, different areas, different... Well, we won't know exactly until we get there. She asked me along to help her create the Meditation Garden.

So, basically, we're gonna go hang with the Dalai Lama's posse (who hangs out with Princes - Prince Charles, for example), in Ireland, to create a thing of beauty on his acreage, with cliffs overlooking the ocean, for nearly three weeks.

How does this even happen??? We don't know, either, but why fight the Awesome?


Monday, April 04, 2011

Mercury RX in Aries: Pyromancy

Mercury RX in Aries: Pyromancy | The Astrology of Austin Coppock


31 MARCH 2011

Mercury goes retrograde in Aries on March 30th. The swift planet will walk backward until April 22nd, treating us to the usual slew of miscommunications, dropped calls, broken phones and scheduling changes. However, this particular Mercury retrograde presides over a rare pile up of planets in Aries, with a minimum 5 planets present in the excitable sign from April 1st to May 10th. With a disproportionate amount of energy in fiery Aries, there is a strong pull towards headfirst plunges, reckless charges, needless conflicts and inflated egos. Many will make thoughtless, short term decisions that have long term consequences. Nonetheless, unprecedented self-empowerment and independence is also in the air.

Calcinating the Tower

This conflagration is fed by Mercury retrograde’s strange wind. The fire eats the fallen Towers, licking old bricks, separating the spirit from static concretions. The raw energy being generated is immensely creative, but the process of breaking down the gross into the subtle must first be completed. Mercury retrograde’s shifting winds fan this fire, blowing the coals hot. Our minds ride this scorching wind, casting our perceptions into the chaotic patterns of swirling flame.

Reading Fire

Here we are led to practice the ancient art of pyromancy- reading the future in the work of flames. We see the futures we’ll be capable of creating once the energy has been liberated. Not only that, but visions of the people we could become within those futures. Potential dances before us here, easily confused with the present. But the amount of energy we’ll have to create these futures is dependent on how much is liberated from the persistent Towers we defend. Let the flames feed on these worn out patterns. Let Mercury’s retrograde guide you through the possibilities being unleashed, but don’t seize upon any future until all have had their chance to parade before you. Trying to hurry this process is as useless as trying to delay it.

The Phoenix Blueprint

At the end of the Mercury’s long haul, April 22nd, the messenger will station direct opposite Saturn in Libra. As we draw closer to this about-face, the winds will begin to blow our minds away from visions and toward concrete plans. Here we’ll see the consequences of rash actions manifest, and the re-crystalization of liberated energies beginning to emerge in the world of form.

A Mundane Note

While individuals exhibit the capacity for thoughtful and even enlightened decision-making, the same is rarely true of nations. This April’s configurations spotlight instabilities worldwide, but particularly in Asia and the Middle East. Expect some saber-rattling and a riot or two. China’s chart is especially challenged by the bulk of planets in Aries, with internal tensions threatening to boil over.


Aries: The Ram

Mercury’s retrograde sees you rethinking yourself as big new energies work their way through your psyche. You’ll find yourself revising your self concept in order to accommodate the growth unlocked by Jupiter in Aries and the cracks opened by Uranus’ recent ingress into Aries. But its not all about realizing how much more awesome you are than you thought. With Mercury’s direct station coming opposite Saturn, there’s another test entailed here. You’ve got to accept the limitations imposed on who you by your relationship to others. Living in a world with other people means not doing everything you feel like doing.

Taurus: The Bull

Mercury’s retrograde sees you discovering personal power you didn’t believe you had. Kept on the outside of the structure of your ego, this Mercury retrograde sees hidden power walking crooked pathways into your waking life. While becoming aware of power you didn’t know you had sounds like a good thing, it’s an awkward process, as much of this power will emerge in an immature and half conscious manner. Be very careful about the impact of your actions on other people during this period.

Gemini: The Twins

Mercury’s retrograde through Aries sees you reconsidering where you stand in the social world. Your web of connections is charged, and likely the site of much action over the next couple weeks. You can expect a series of miscommunications and missed connections. Also consider the tone of your communications, as it will be very easy to generate conflicts with others during this time.

Cancer: The Crab

Mercury’s retrograde through Aries will see you revising your professional position. Take the time to rethink your approach to your career in the context of recent growth and even more recent revelations. Due to Uranus’ ingress into Aries, there is a tendency to become distracted by new ideas and novel professional directions. Note them, but you’ll regret spending too much time chasing future selves in a time that demands so much attention to the present. You are also likely going to need to spend a fair amount of time working the kinks out of your living situation.

Leo: The Lion

Mercury’s retrograde through Aries sees you reconsidering your long term goals in light of recent revelations. Novel thoughts and shattering insights into where you COULD go are likely to distract you as you engage in the planning process. By all means note the futures dancing before you, but also note the steps between here and there. Mercury’s eventual opposition to Saturn in Libra promises that it will be the short term plans that will either enable or prevent you from being capable of reaching for the far flung futures that have begun to bloom in your mind.

Virgo: The Virgin

Mercury’s retrograde through Aries sees you thinking about teaming up with other people, or retreating from similar engagements. As you consider who to team up with and who to disconnect from, it is important that you consider the limitations of your own resources. Do not let all of your attention be occupied by others, as refilling your own resources is the secret key to excelling during this period.

Libra: The Scales

Mercury’s retrograde through Aries this April marks an important series of conversations with people in your life. Your relationships are undergoing a strong mutation period. This volatile span of time represents a “changing of the guard” as far as who occupies what role in your personal life. Because of the incendiary nature of the next month, it is doubly important that you not fall prey to the typical Mercury retrograde tendency toward unclear communications. The challenge is to be honest without being abrasive. By the end of Mercury’s retrograde, it will become clear how all of this plays into Saturn’s process of breaking down and rebuilding your life structure along more coherent, balanced lines.

Scorpio: The Scorpion

Mercury’s retrograde through Aries places a focus on your habits. You’ll be pushed to reconsider your routines, being pushed to take both good and bad habits to an extreme over the next month. Although taking good habits to an extreme may sound like a good thing, it isn’t. It simply insures that you won’t be able to maintain them. The secret key to this period is to find a balance of virtue and vice that you can live with.

Sagittarius: The Archer

Mercury’s retrograde through Aries sees you reconsidering what to do with the energy at your disposal. Recent growth and even more recent revelations see you with a lot of energy and even more choices in hand. The question is which of these things can contribute meaningfully to your ideal life. This period contains within it a strong tendency to waste the liberated energy you have. At the same time, you have to be very careful not to commit to anything too swiftly. Spend a little time in the between space, considering what could be before committing to a single course of action.

Capricorn: The Goat

Mercury’s retrograde through Aries sees you considering your literal living situation and assessing the state of your emotional foundations. Your choices about where to live and how are in direct relationship to the demands of your professional direction. The question lying beneath this is an ongoing, if confusing, process of personal empowerment. Let your living space reflect the radical personal empowerment you need.

Aquarius: The Water Bearer

Mercury’s retrograde through Aries sees you overwhelmed with little chores and short term goals. While there is a tendency to get caught up in the immediate chaos, it is important that you don’t take your eye off the prize of your long term goals. As you wade through the maze of what-needs-to-be-done, remember the direction you’re heading, even if you can’t quite see the finish line from there.

Pisces: The Fishes

Mercury’s retrograde through Aries sees you reconsidering the resources at your disposal. There’s plenty of opportunity as well as a number of revelations about how to fill your personal coffers right now, but you’ve also got to fulfill your obligations to others. Find the balance between a focus on your personal resources and commitments to team projects.

Grooveshark (or Blog This!)

My absolute favorite place to make online playlists... ...for now, anyway.. It used to be Finetune way back before they changed everything..

Anyway, Grooveshark (or 'Grvshrk' as I have it on my Bookmarks Bar) is so unbelievably easy to create or destroy playlists, and the songs on them. You can even X out songs you don't want to hear that day, but it does not remove them from the list - unless you delete it there, as well.

Grooveshark - Listen to Free Music Online - Internet Radio - Free MP3 Streaming

Mostly, this post is because I am testing out the "Blog This! (by Google) button I have added...

There are some things I miss...

Astrophotography - WiNorthwoodsObservatory's Photos

This is a movie taken April 2nd in Wisconsin of the Deep Sky Auroras..

Astrophotography - WiNorthwoodsObservatory's Photos

And a picture taken the same night...


Living in Tennessee now, I don't have the chance to see the Northern Lights like I did in Minnesota...

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Ditch Witch (x2) In FairyTale Land

No, not the brand name..

I have this unnatural love of digging. I love having a shovel in my hand, seeing the progress as I go... What is so unnatural about this, you may ask? I DO NOT have a love for manual labor. I prefer to delegate (unless I'm the only one that can do it correctly).

I sound arrogant and lazy, I know..

It's not exactly that, though. It is merely a question of motivation. For instance, I have absolutely no desire to gather brush, chop wood, or anything at all to do with firewood, except enjoy the fire and aerate it after it is burning, but there is someone here who LOVES anything wood. He will even chop wood in the dark with a flashlight.

I understand. Give me a shovel. I'll be there all day and into the night, if possible.

As soon as I get dressed and brush my teeth, I'm outta here to go work on a natural spring with another Witch, and make it more beautiful than it already is. We are allowing it to breathe, to flow... TO BE, once again. It used to be the spring they drank out of when they first bought the place back in the 80's... Before that, a local moonshiner (now dead) had one of his stills in this spring... I have felt drawn to this spot, just like the woman with whom I'm working on this project.. (Who? Whom?)

I can't wait!! I've been waiting all week to go diggin'!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I want this on my front door

Here's another one I received in an email with the Subject line "the truth".

Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings,
we simply continue to fly..... on a broomstick.
We’re flexible like that.

Statements that resonate with me

In order for you to insult me, I would have to value your opinion.

Don't attempt to drag everyone you come in contact with under the bus with you, just because you were stupid enough to play in traffic!

Especially this one:

Don't make your problem MY problem, because you won't like how I handle it.

Just because you think before you speak does not necessarily mean you have something intelligent to say!

Sometimes I wish I could just slap the stupid out of people, but I know the only outcome would be a sore hand...

I wish I could do this one:

When life gives you crap, stick it in a bag, light it on fire, and leave it on the porch of the person who caused it.

The human gene pool needs chlorine! (old, but still true)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Conclusions? Interpretations? Comments??

Here are copies of two emails. The first one I wrote, and the second is the response I received.

Three very good men got thrown off a neighbor's property, and one of the reasons screamed at my husband (to take back to me one assumes) was that if his "serious bitch" of a wife ever wrote another "fucking email" like that again, blah, blah blah...

Below would be the "fucking email" referenced... ...and the response...

Draw your own conclusions.

Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:50 PM
Subject: A very loving 'heads up'

I feel compelled to write to you both. I have heard at least two stories from people that were unknowingly dosed during last weekend's Festival. In both situations, the person offering 'just a drink' didn't specify what they were sharing. In one case, after a couple swigs of rum, the victim saw faces melting and women with full beards. In another, from the tiniest sip of wine, she couldn't speak coherently for 30 hours afterwards. I heard, not verified, that there was a laced orange soda going around, as well.

I know it wasn't either of you, and I wasn't sure if you were even aware it had happened. Hence, my feeling compelled to write... From all accounts I have heard, it was the same culprits in each instance.

I realize the simple answer is to not drink what is offered to you. That is not the best answer for me, personally. One of the beautiful things about any festival I have been to is the connection, the group mind, the love, and the sharing. If I have to have my guard up for reasons of personal safety and well-being, it is not a place I desire to be.

I love you guys. You have a beautiful vibe. If it was only me I had to look out for, I might feel differently. I cannot be on the lookout for my family at all times, however. It would be very bad if something like that happened to either L---- or A-----.

I really don't know what to do, beyond informing both of you of this activity, and keeping my family safe. Obviously, not the most ideal solution... I want to show my support for your endeavors. How do I do that when a very real element of fear has entered the scene for me and mine? If you have other, better ideas, I would love to know what they are. I think this situation needs to be resolved, for safety reasons, if nothing else.

I love you both. I felt I had to say something. I would hate for either of you to be blindsided later.

May the Goddess Bless You,

RE: A very loving 'heads up' Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:46 PM

Well I assure you we know nothing of this. I doubt it is true. Thanks for your concerns. We certainly don’t want unfounded slanderous rumors like that floating around, in print or orally, so thanks for letting us know. Please erase this email.
