Friday, April 22, 2005

Weekend hiatus

Hi'ya folks! Just hopping online real quick to say I'll be back in the saddle Monday.

This weekend is the gifting of the drum!!! Little Diva will be so thrilled. It's not until tomorrow, but I don't know if I can wait that long! I want to give it to her tonight later this evening NOW!!!

Heh. What was it we were talking about, Cricket? Patience, grasshopper.

We will also be looking for a new home to rent out there. We have a need to live closer to the freaks in our lives. Makes sense, since we, ourselves, are freaks.

I love being a freak. Or as a friend calls me: a long-haired dirty hippie. Did ya get your fix, dollface?

*Beginning hiatus from internet -- wish me luck and strength!*

~Do not expand~


Anonymous said...

Have fun, we'll miss you.

vincent said...

Me am so empowered!