Thursday, September 30, 2004

Dumbass Strikes Again!!

I'm checking Dumbass's site again-- which I'll do until all pics are removed...

And he is still naming names. And promising more pics to come. Of course, he says 'with permission, of course ha ha ha'.

He had 'permission' to take my pic, too. He did not have permission to post it publicly and start threads about me. Makes me wonder.... What is going on in that twisted head of his? What does he consider asking permission? Do I really have to break his camera? (Oh please please please!) More importantly, do I have to warn all my friends to avoid him while he has camera in tow?

As much of a dumbass as he is, I would really hate for it to escalate to new levels--- just because he can't learn.

Here's a thought: maybe some lab has been trying experimental drugs on him so much, he doesn't even know they are doing it anymore. And it has gotten so bad, he can't understand anything outside of his own head. Now the lab is trying to fix the problem they created--with more drugs. But they are starting to run out, and he is left to his own devices. Which is bad for the world-- so the secret lab is starting over. They are trying to create a superhero this time to balance out the evil they wrought on our planet. But they don't want to make the same mistake twice. This time they are going to use Organic drugs. We all know it's safe, if it's organic...

And I have discovered a new topic for another post: Organic stupidity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't make excuses for him.
Send someone around.