Saturday, October 02, 2004

Breaking Plans

You make plans. Everyone is in agreement. This is a definite thing that is happening.
Then you call to see if there are any last minute details that need to be taken care of. And you find out the plan is no longer a plan.
You couldn't pick up the phone and call? What were you doing--wandering around your house in aimless circles just hoping we would call, so you could tell us plans were canceled?
Oh wait--your fingers (all 10 of them) must be broken... But then how would you answer the phone? Hmmm... Quite the mystery. We may have to get good ol' Sherlock Holmes on the case. (btw: He never said, 'Elementary, my dear Watson'. Look it up if you don't believe me. End tangent)
What really chaps my hide about all this plan breaking: my kid was really looking forward to it. The plans were really about her. But monster lady was unable to pick up a phone. Some people are so brainless.
Oh, yeah! *V8 slap* I already knew that. Why else would this blog be named 'People are Stupid'?

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