Tuesday, September 20, 2005

What do I do?


I just found out this morning that my kid - Little Diva - told her teacher and the guidance counselor yesterday that I hit her all the time.

These people don't know her. This is a new school for her this year. They don't know why I call her Little Diva, or how she has lied well enough to get us to take her to the ER.

I am in a state of panic. I do not want her to become a ward of the state. Foster home life sucks. Nothing I can tell them will sound okay. Everything will sound like I am just trying to cover my ass.

I don't know how to protect her. It scares the hell out of me to think of someone else raising her. Not just someone else. What if she gets one of those homes where she could be sexually abused??? She's a very pretty girl.

I could just be jumping to worst case scenario here. I don't know how the good ol' state of TN handles child abuse cases. This is the same state that has corporal punishment still in their school system. AND each school she's gone to, I've made it clear they are not allowed to touch her.

Will they automatically believe her? Am I going to have social services paying me a visit, and/or taking her away? I don't think I could bear that. Adults automatically believe kids in abuse cases. How could I possibly get complete strangers to understand the theatre that is my child? They need to know I don't beat my child.

Me: Seriously panicking.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

Robin Alexa said...

Is she in trouble by the way?

Is there a way that you can prevent her from continuing to do things like this?