Friday, January 20, 2006

The big bad bitchy monster is returning (not me this time) ....(Hmm, I guess that could apply to me as well) TWO big bad bitchy monsters are retuning

Okay. I admit it. I have been hiding or running or whatever you want to call it. I've had a few bad moments, and they are worse now that the weekend is here. We are going to go see my mom again, but there's a twist. Some of you may remember me mentioning a sister. Well, lucky me, I get to see the bitch this weekend.

Ya know how when you know someone really well, you recognize all their behaviors? Well, she must have sensed that I was mad at her (Sensing anger toward her is one of her Super Powers). She has asked for my email (and my brother's). Not only did she ask for it, but then she actually attempted to write to me.

Hmmm, I think I may have to translate that paragraph.
Her email:
Hi J,

Thanks for sending me your e-mail address.
How freaking formal.

Tr and I are flying to mom's this weekend, and my plan is to stay for a week, unless things drastically change. Its been making me crazy to be up here, but it can't be helped when things like a job and a house get in the way.
Translation: A house and a job are reasons, but anything I would say would just be a no-good excuse.
She's already backpedaling when I haven't (yet) accused her of anything. Trying to remain squeaky clean is another of her Super Powers: trying, not succeeding.

How are things going for you?
Because it is polite to ask about the other person, even when you really don't give a fuck.

I didn't respond to that email. I couldn't. I asked her to keep me updated on mom's condition over two years ago. She chooses now to make First Contact?!?! What the fuck ever. She hasn't even kept in touch with my brother, so it's not just me she has kept out of the updating loop.

Second email:

Did you receive my last e-mail? I didn't hear from you, so I'm not sure.
This is uber polite speak for saying "Why the fuck didn't you respond?! I made an EFFORT!!!!!" (She is very whiny and self-centered.)

Are you going to make it to mom's when I'm there?
In all the times she has come down to this state of Tennessee, she has never asked that before. As a matter of fact, most of the time I would find out she had been here, after the fact. So why is she asking now? Is this her Spidey sense tingling? Has the ass kissing begun?

I so can't handle this right now. My sanity is already slipping, and I think decorum is the first thing to go. Well, after memory. :D

Understand how huge this is. Everyone in my family is trained to look happy when they're sad, to make jokes when you want to cry, and to never ever let others outside the family know how you're feeling or of any problems you may be having. It's always a very private matter - whatever it is.
That being said, I should be able to go to mom's with a smile on my face, and rant later. This is where I am running into a problem. I don't think I'll be able to fake anything this weekend. The thought is just too overwhelming. The only thing I do know is I'll be able to keep it from mom.

I'm doing the best thing possible in this horrid situation. We are going there tonight, spending the night, and coming home tomorrow. Sis arrives around 1PM tomorrow, so it'll only be hours of being in the same house. I think I can occupy my time for that long. Let's hope.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I responded to her second email.
This is it in it's entirety (Cut/paste is my friend):

Did you receive my last e-mail?
Yes, I received it.

Are you going to make it to mom's when I'm there?
Which day will you be arriving?

~Do not expand~


Anonymous said...


not to sound like your sister here, but um..didja get my email? ;) send a number!!! :)

~J~ said...

*laugh* I was hitting "send" when you posted this.

Thanks for the hugs!!!