Thursday, January 26, 2006

Woo hoo!!!

The previous two days (and today so far) I have felt like myself again. I'm almost hyper about it! Screw that. I am hyper about it. :D
I didn't realize how long I had been without my mental capabilities. My mind is my most valuable asset, and I had lost it for awhile.

I don't know if this means I've worked through something, or if it is just a temporary break, but I am enjoying it!!!

We got news that the whole fam damily may be coming down in April (husband's side). They want to be here for Little Diva's birthday -- Or as close to it as possible. I can't wait!!! I am very lucky to have cool in-laws.

That also means we have a deadline. This house needs to be completely clean, organized, everything-has-a-place-and-looks-good-there by April. That may sound like a lot of time, but it really isn't. Beyond having really busy weekdays, our weekends are totally gone. That means we have to fit it in an hour here, an hour there. Not a lot of time, but I work well with deadlines. It's all good.

My sister and I are getting along now. I think since I found out she has been frustrated with me the entire time I've been pissed at her, I am able to step back and see how our relationship got there. Like seeing two sides of the story. I am now able to just let it go. It seems unimportant.

~Do not expand~

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