Monday, November 15, 2004

A Joke

I got this in my email, and wanted to share the wealth.

A priest walks onto the bus, and takes the only remaining seat, next to a rabbi. The rabbi looks up and asks "Did you hear the one about us?" After a good chuckle, and a little small talk, the priest says, "I can understand why you would only want to eat food that was blessed, but I can't beleive that you're not permitted to eat pork!"

The rabbi responds "Actually, when I was about fourteen, I tried a piece of bacon."

"Really," says the priest. "How was it?" "It was ok," he replies, "but not nearly as good as sex."

Get it???


k. said...

noo, but i'm pretty dumb :) would u explain?

~J~ said...

The Rabbi may not be able to have pork, but the Priest can't have sex. :-)

Anonymous said...

I get it, the rabbi gets it, but the poor priest doesn't.