Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I may have my sanity back. Maybe.

I am feeling better today. Apparently, I just needed to get out of the house w/o the family tagging along. I really wanted to leave here, and go to an apartment that was just mine. I could be alone, and it would be quiet.

I did the next best thing. I went and visited ONE friend. A friend that doesn't shout instead of talking, he doesn't make annoying little noises constantly... It was rather peaceful. The only thing loud last night was something that is supposed to be loud: a band. That's a noise I can deal with.

Then I was playing online, watching Foamy cartoons. Foamy rules!!! All hail Foamy! I had to take advantage of the T1 kickass speed -- especially compared to my dial-up. I would have watched Retarded Animal Babies, if I thought there were any new ones. (I suppose it wouldn't hurt to check...)

So anyway, I roll in about 5am, husband says I look much better, he felt better before going to work -- It's been a good day. Here's hoping for even more improvement!!

~Do not expand~

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