Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Guess what!!!!

I finally - after nine years, lots of tape, an ass ton of super glue, even fingernail glue when the super glue wouldn't work anymore - got new glasses!!!

That's right. I can take my new glasses off AND close them. They are not taped straight. Plus, oh my god, I have nose guards!!! My nose can finally begin to heal the almost permanent scratches. Oh! They are not held together by glue, so I don't have to constantly be aware of everything near my face. It's horrible to be thinking about hateful glasses when someone tries to hug or kiss you. Not anymore!! The absolutely wonderful, I'm still high on life thing? I have a pair of prescription sunglasses, and damn, I look cool! This night person almost wishes it was daylight all the time now.

Almost. I may adjust to wearing sunglasses at night like all those other dorks...

1 comment:

cricket said...

woohoo!! congrats on the new shades! :)