Friday, March 07, 2008

Lots of testing this week for lots of people

It's been a crazy week, but not for me. There's been sickness and hurt backs - sometimes one right after the other. I have been so nurturing this week, I am ready to gag. I think I can only do this for a little longer before going out of my mind nuts. Don't get me wrong. There have been some really nice parts that I wouldn't take back for the world. But, good god - this has got to end soon. Mostly because I can feel my personal meter running out, and I don't want it to happen before it's over. That would be bad, very very bad. No one needs to see that particular inner-bitch. I need to keep her under wraps...

Now the other inner-bitches I'm okay with...

Well... Not all of them. Some of them I like, and others need to be reigned in. But hey, don't we all have something like that?

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