Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Stressed, overwhelmed, but much better.

I know I've disappeared off the face of the planet. Sorry about that. I'm hearing about it in my non-computer life too.
We are moving this summer. That means I need to find a place to move to, box everything up, try and keep my house somewhat clean (yeah, that'll happen), etc., etc., etc.
Needless to say, I've been stressed. Then I got overwhelmed. Funny thing happens to me once I become overwhelmed. I stop. I stop everything. Picture me, in the fetal position (slight exaggeration), looking at everything that needs to be done, making list after list in my head, but unable to accomplish any of it because I'm stopped. However, my stress level would go down if I accomplished something. But I'm stopped. Vicious cycle, no?
This last Monday was the first mostly relaxed day I've had in weeks. It helped a lot that some friends brought over empty boxes (another source for my stress - where am I going to get enough boxes???). Yesterday I found possible houses (actual houses, not trailers, Thank god!). That relieved some stress.
Point is, I've been holed up in my house - except for when I've had to leave, and I haven't even had much of an internet urge. Weird, eh?

That reminds me.... I need to flip the calendar to June.

So, how y'all been??

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

Robin Alexa said...

Good, thanks for asking!

I wish I was moving...not for the stress, but for more room and organization. Good luck with it all.