Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Talk Radio

I have discovered BBC Radio -- and I can listen to it!!
Every other time I have tried to listen to internet radio, it sucked. Constant buffering and such. Lots of waiting...

Anyway... "Whose Line is it Anyway?" started out as a radio show, and I was able to hear it today. I'm listening to it as I'm typing this, actually.

I was pointed in the direction of Minnesota Public Radio shows like 'Prairie Home Companion'. (FM radio) Funny stuff!! We (Damn) Yankees do have our own brand of humor, however. If you don't get it, you'll hate it - or so I hear. (There's a challenge for y'all!)

Actually, (I just discovered this) you can listen to the MN show on the BBC Radio Launcher. If you want to take the challenge, it's the Garrison Keillor's Radio Show.

BBC Radio link

Prairie Home Companion link

~Do not expand~


Robin Alexa said...

I think enjoying talk radio is a sign of gettting old...I didn't used to like it at all, now I listen to it more than not.

God I'm old.

~J~ said...

Ugh! Don't say that!

But for me, it's not so much a getting older thing. I've always liked comedy radio shows. I think I can appreciate the humor more now that I've grown a little long in the tooth. (What a horrible expression!!)

"Say Goodnight, Gracie."
"Goodnight Gracie"