Thursday, August 25, 2005


So, apparently there was an earthquake last night. In NC or the border of NC and TN...
That explains why my house shook last night.

Did I ever mention that earthquakes terrify me?

We used to live in Anchorage, AK, and I felt tremors all the time. One of the reasons why we moved.

I know it is very rare for the earth to open up, and swallow a house or whatever whole, but I fear being buried alive. Something Poe and I have in common. And even if it doesn't swallow my house, what if the house collapses and I get buried that way?

And I just found out today (and wish I hadn't) that the Appalachians are on a fault line, and there are tiny earthquakes all the time.

My first impulse is to run. But I love where I live, and all my freaky friends...

Guess I have to face this fear, eh? How? How do I stop being scared of waking up in a coffin unable to get out? How do I get to the point where I'm okay with that happening?

Any tips?

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

~J~ said...

And I am at a loss on how to face it. I am all for facing fears head on -- I just don't know where the head is on this one...