Sunday, July 03, 2005

#4 through #8

Vincent, I want to thank you for being the most mature friend I have, and allowing me to just be me. You are a rare find.

Kat, you are such an impressive author. It amazes me you are still in your teens!! I wish I had that much talent. I wish you all the luck with your goals.

Binsk, you are an incredible person. Girl, you are always making me laugh!! And yep, I love your pictures (when you have nothing to say). We should really consider living in the same country...

Lalita, I admire your courage for moving on. Also, your creative writing skills are phenomenal! I can feel every single thing you describe. Wow.

God may hate kittens, but we love you! Dude, you are always cracking me up with your gay (*not gay) humor. I think it's sweet of you to pretend to be such a badass when you are really just a big softie. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone....

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

vincent said...

Yeah, I'm pretty freakin' amazing.