Sunday, July 31, 2005


How could I possibly be first on the list for little people porn?? (And misspelled at that.)

What the hell? Is that someone's PC way of searching for midget porn? Don't they know all porn uses non-PC terms? Seriously, when have you ever called your girlfriend a nasty cunt (and meant it as foreplay)? (Among other terms) Personally, I could handle being called names, but you start questioning the cleanliness of my kitty, I'll be sooo turned off. In fact, I'll be sure you don't get to see how 'nasty' it is.

Not that I have ever looked at porn myself... Or even had sex. Pure as the driven snow, I am.
(Driven snow? What does that mean? The snow the trucks are plowing off the road?)

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

~J~ said...

Who, me? I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. How could an innocent like me even comprehend...
