Sunday, July 24, 2005

#9 through #14 of the compliments

Jin - You are hilarious wit your sharp wit! Plus, I have to like anyone that insults Iowa.

Blogthings - This is the blog where I get some of my favorite quizzes. Thank you!!

It's not rocket science peeps - Dudes, you are so right on! You are so funny, and I wish you would post more.

Overheard in New York - This blog is hysterical. They are actual snippets of conversation heard by people in NYC.

The Darth Side - Even if you don't like Star Wars, you would enjoy the story from Vader's point-of-view. Old Star Wars, not the most recent releases. (I never knew Vader was so funny!)

Alyssa - You seem to be one of the purest people I know. You are so wise without seeming the least bit old. If only we lived in the same country!! *grin*

~Do not expand~

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