Thursday, December 09, 2004

Fucking Father...

My dad called my mom. Twice. As far as I'm concerned, he should leave her alone. She says she knows how to handle him. She just hangs up.
He asked about me. He wanted my phone number. He was going to call me 'to set me straight'. As if that man ever could. Maybe he should work on himself first before trying to be all 'fatherly'. Too little, too late. Maybe he should have thought about his fatherly duties when he was caught up fucking his girlfriend after leaving my mom. Or maybe he should have remembered his daughter BEFORE he got drunk. He abandoned his little girl years ago when I actually still needed him. I've moved on. He needs to.
Strangely, he was sober when he called my mom. And, (I love her!) she did not give out my phone number.
When he couldn't get the number, he called my sister to get it. She didn't give it to him either. *laugh*
Now we'll see if my brother gives it to him...
He didn't remember my kid's name. He must not have remembered my husband's name either, or he would have called information to get my phone number.

He just needs to fall off the face of the earth. He's using up valuable space, and breathing air others deserve more than he does.


Anonymous said...

I hope your brother holds out as well.


vincent said...

Maybe he'll slip on a patch of ice and break his neck and die a slow painful death in the middle of a lonely country road.
Then again, he might come back as a member of the undead...

mmmm...brains....wonderfully delicious braaaainsss...

~J~ said...

Libby- Thanks. I'm sure he will. No calls yet!!

Vincent- Nah. Too stupid to come back. Or if he did, he would be one of those stuck in a seatbelt for eternity.

vincent said...

Or maybe he'll have a big buzzard perched on his shoulders pecking his eyes out!