Thursday, December 23, 2004

Update #1

This is an old one, but here goes...

I finally watched Animatrix. It filled in a lot of holes for me. I like that different people did the animation. Made each toon different and interesting. Now I suppose I should play the video game. I don't know if I have the patience or the skill for that though.

I have also recently watched FearDotCom and Hellboy.
Hellboy was a fun movie. And safe enough for kids. Not a bunch of bad language, no sex... just superhero type stuff. One of my favorite scenes is when he punches the car and it goes flying over his head. I would love to be able to do that!!! The chick burning up isn't too bad either...
FearDotCom is not recommended for kids. :-) I liked the premise of the movie. I know the first thing I wanted to do was go to that site. Geez! Didn't I learn anything from watching horror movies? "I'll be right back..." I liked how when you thought it should be over, it wasn't. Good twist.

1 comment:

vincent said...

So THAT'S where my movie went!