Thursday, December 23, 2004

Update #2

This is my favorite update, and probably the most long-lasting one...

I finally got a .......................

digital camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, I know. Who doesn't have one nowadays? But this is my first, and I cannot believe how much fun it is. I can take crappy photos, laugh at them, and then delete them -- all without wasting film. And I never get my film developed anyway. So it really is a waste of money. But not now! I have a camera and a computer. I'm set!! I've already emailed pics of Yule to Husband's mom. Of course she's thrilled. She NEVER gets pictures from us. If she wants a record of how my kid is growing, she usually has to take the picture herself. And since she's in another state... Let's just say that it is something brand spanking new for her to get pictures yesterday of something that happened 2-3 days ago.

I have been taking it outside with me, and taking all kinds of stupid pictures of the dogs. While we were gone celebrating Yule, I was taking pictures of the midnight sledding (and other things, of course).

I can't get enough of this camera. I think, to begin with anyway, I'll be taking it everywhere with me. Why not? If I don't like the pic, I can delete it.

Yay me!!!

1 comment:

vincent said...

Sheesh... welcome to the 21st century, hippie!