Monday, December 06, 2004

My Weekend

I had a very good (and productive) weekend.

On Friday, my husband stayed home from work. It was so nice to be able to sleep in with him by my side. We almost never get to do that. After lounging around for a bit, we left to go get my kid's 'big gift' (there's always, at least one, every year). That was fun. I love buying for my kid! Back home, wait for school to be out, and left again to do some grocery shopping. (2 Productive things in one day!)

Saturday, we took my kid to Storyteller's, and stories were told, crafts made, and fun had by all. Go back home to get ready for a party (and a babysitter) in a hurry. Friends stop over. Kid is brought to the sitter, and we leave for the party (after only a few mishaps). The party was fun! It had a very homey intimate family feel. (Not really a surprise since we're all friends). There were great conversations (that didn't last too long), general teasing, and a lively attitude. Again, fun was had by all.

On Sunday, we got most of our Yule shopping done. Yay!! Just a few more people to go... We got back from that in time for my kid to eat and get ready for bed.

A very productive weekend.

Today, I am still feeling somewhat motivated. And that's a good thing. My house is now trashed since we were never home long enough to pick up after ourselves (and we did laundry -- plenty of clothes to be put away cluttering the place up). I have worked on my room already, and after checking email and blogging, I'll start on something else. I almost feel like a different person!!

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