Thursday, August 18, 2005

Anyone else feeling off?

I was really looking forward to Mercury going Direct. These last few weeks have been really hard. This is surprising. Usually I can sail right through a Mercury Retrograde. Probably that hippie, go-with-the-flow outlook I have.

Not this time. I'm still feeling

Here's an example. Usually, if I am going to step outside to smoke, I'll grab one cigarette, the lighter, and head out the door. These past few weeks, I have started to grab just the one cig, and then I think to myself, "What if something pisses me off while I'm out there? I'll want to smoke more." So I grab all my cigs, and head out the door. What the hell is going to piss me off within 10 minutes of being outside -- by myself, no less?!?!

It's odd things like this that have me concerned.

I just wish I understood what was going on...

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

karla said...

My advice to you: Grab a whole carton before you head out there. I know something pisses me off every 3.5 seconds, and I were a smoker, I'd be one walking black lung.