Monday, February 18, 2008

Last one of the day - I swear!

You're a sensitive kisser.

You don't want to scare people away by being more or less aggressive than they're used to, so you adapt your kisses to match any situation. If you sense that the person you're kissing wants more tongue pressure or more hair-stroking, you'll eagerly comply. You appreciate when the people you kiss tell you exactly what they like, because then it's easier for you to make them happy. Your only kissing requirement? Lots of privacy.

That is sooooo true! I really do appreciate when I'm told what the other person likes. It makes it so much easier on me - less thinking.

Plus, the privacy thing was dead-on accurate. I don't want anyone aware of what I'm doing. Well, what I'm currently doing... I have plenty of stories I'm willing to share, but they are from the past. Past = Safe (most of the time). I guess I feel selfish about an experience as it happens, but later - when I have evaluated and re-evaluated the situation, got everything out of it I possibly can, and it doesn't make me look really bad - I might share it.

So.... What do you like? I can keep a secret...

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