Friday, February 15, 2008


My laptop is fucked. I'm not sure what is wrong with it. I am probably going to have someone else work on it - for the first time ever. Even with our old desktop pc, I always fixed it. Granted, I have techie friends that helped back then. This time around, the only accessible-today techie will mess it up. I'm going to have to pay for it. Damn it. At least, the person I'm planning to pay, I trust.

I need the wireless to work before next Wednesday night. I am probably going to Virginia again to work. I really really need to bring my laptop with me. I can't be gone for almost a week without it. What would I load my pictures into? What about all the info I've been studying? I really need this fixed. Like now.

I am completely freaking out! Fuck, fuck fuck!!!!!!

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