Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A few updates.

This is a djimbe. Posted by Hello

The husband will be looking at drums for the kid today. Hopefully he'll be able to find a reasonably priced djimbe (pronounced Jim-Bay). Her birthday is coming up next month. We hang around a lot of drummers, and the kid loves to play along. She's pretty good too! But if everyone feels like drumming, she has to sit out -- since she doesn't have one of her own. We are trying to change that. Today, if possible.

I've updated my links. They definitely needed sprucing up!!

I found a new place to play!! Weird/funny videos at BoFunk!

Everything else has been going really good. As you can probably tell from my blog silence. Our Atlanta trip at the beginning of April is completely paid for. We have the money to get the kid a couple nice gifts for her birthday. (Which reminds me -- I want to see if Walmart still has those digital cameras for kids. Pretty cool little thing. Built-in storyboards and such.) We received our Girl Scout cookies. Yum! Peanut butter!!!

Husband's extra side job paid more in two days of work than his regular job does in a week. That's a good thing.

We have a lot of stuff coming up fast. AND we are moving. We haven't found a place. We don't know if we'll rent or own. And at this point, I don't care. I just want out, out, out! I can't stand living here another moment. We'll wait until summer though. Between the brats next door, and the brat up the road... Between my redneck neighbors burning ALL their trash, and the dogs that think it is a free toy pile... Between having no storage, and the poor construction... Between being totally ashamed of this place, and trying to maintain a social life... You see what I mean? We ARE moving. Thank god, I'm not the only one that feels this way. The other two members of this family are on board. Even the kid. Course she's used to moving. I think she has lived in 14 different homes so far. She's not 10 years old yet. That should be a clue of how much we like to move. None of the moves were mandatory, or because of a better job. We just moved, and started our life over... and over... and over...

1 comment:

~J~ said...

I know, I know. I should have updated before this...

I have no idea how to post an audio file.

Moving doesn't suck. Packings sucks! *laugh* I'll deal with it to get out of here.

I love starting over!!!