Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Another addiction

I have a horrible addiction to solitaire. I play it all the time.
While I'm waiting for a page to load, waiting for a scan to finish...
I play solitaire when I'm stressed, or trying to figure out a solution to a problem.

It's so bad that I can't play solitaire with real cards anymore. I end up playing so much, my hands develop blisters and/or calluses. Think about that for a second... I develop physical consequences by playing cards alone.

Computer solitaire is better for me.

I don't think there is a 12 step program for this, but it is just an inch away from a gambling addiction -- especially since I've developed strategy for the game. It's not just the luck of the draw, my friends. Oh no, it's not.
I, apparently, can't explain my strategy rules very well though. I only managed to confuse the husband several times over.

But it takes less time than chess...
(which I also love.)

1 comment:

~J~ said...

Well, we could. But ask yourself this: Do you really want to get rid of your addictions?
I am perfectly happy being addicted to coffee, solitaire, stuffed french toast, email,... I'm sure there are others. Oh yeah! Internet quizzes!!
I don't think any Steps would be able to help me.