Monday, March 07, 2005


My poor baby Posted by Hello

We have three dogs.
The one in the picture is my favorite. He was hit by a truck today. I'm hoping he doesn't die. He's still moving. He came to me when I called him. He has blood coming out of his tear duct and his nose. I'll be checking on him all day. Poor thing just can't seem to get comfortable though.

The sweetest thing was how Saturn, his dad, acted. He was barking his fool head off at the guy and his truck. Even when I went out there, and checked on Neptune (my baby), he didn't stop. After the guy drove off, Saturn was still worked up. He periodically stood on the road and barked, as if the guy was still here.

I won't be able to stand it if we lose him.


~J~ said...

Update: He seems to be okay. I went outside, and couldn't find him. Scared me half to death. I thought he left to go die somewhere. But he was just playing like dogs do. The wanderlust took hold, and he was out wandering with Saturn. Whew!

Anonymous said...

Poor baby!! I really hope he's okay.

Naughti Biscotti said...

I hope your dog is okay. We need another update.