Thursday, November 17, 2005

Just not my day.

We have dogs.
Dogs like to chase cats (among other wildlife). This is all well and good when they are on their own.
But leashed dogs wanting to run? Not such a good idea. At least it wasn't for me yesterday.
Yesterday I was holding both leashes in one hand, like I always do in the afternoon. We went out to the hayfield; they had a good time, and it was time to go back in. By this time, I am already thankful they didn't find something to chase in the field. I am no dog - I can't keep up with them running, or compete with all their doggie muscles.
We come around the corner -a few feet from the door- and they saw the damn cat. As I've already mentioned, they are dogs. Dogs chase cats (among other wildlife). This was no exception.
Damn dogs.
We were on our driveway which is made of that blue pebbly pavement stuff - can't call it pavement, but it is too solid to be called gravel... Anyway, blue rocks. I dig in my heels to hang on with all my might.
They pulled, I got overbalanced, and for the first time in my life I slid into home plate. At the very least, that's what I looked like. Face in the dirt and everything. I'm not too fond of dirt-eating. Or pain.
I held onto the dogs through the entire ordeal!

And all this happened right in front of my landlord. Good god. To be hurt and pissed off AND humiliated??

It just wasn't my day.

I proved that later on. I'm outside, I'm walking, and them I'm on the ground. I tripped! Now I know all of you out in the blogosphere would have no idea how odd that is for me. I never realized how odd it is for me until awhile back when I stumbled a little. Not tripped, didn't fall, just stumbled a little. The husband went on about it, and how weird it was for him to see that, and he wasn't sure if he has ever seen that before (in 12 years), etc...

So, yesterday, I get pulled over and dragged, and later, I trip and fall on my new injuries all in one day.

It just wasn't my day.

~Do not expand~

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