Friday, November 18, 2005

PG-13 (I think)

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So here's something.
I have an unusual sex drive. Unusual like I could take it or leave it. I can seriously go several weeks without noticing that it has been lacking from my life.
My husband is more on the normal side. We have found ways around my lack of desire.

Here's the thing: I want to want to. I know if I just get out of my head, and get naked, I'll enjoy myself.

That, my friends, is the key. Getting me out of my head. I spend a lot of time there. I would invite you in, but well... what if you get stuck too? And I do have my reputation to think about.

But I digress.

This week has been different. This has been one of those odd weeks where I have wanted it -even in my head-, and made it known. These kind of times are like say, Christmas. Doesn't happen very often, but woo hoo! when it does!

This has also been one of those unfortunate weeks, where I have wanted it, and it hasn't been able to happen.

This means my frustration level has gone up, up, up... Which is great. I love it when this happens.

One problem. There is a delicate balance. My frustration doesn't continue to go up forever. And if I am frustrated for too long, it just seeps away. Back to no interest mode.

Luckily, I have a 'date' for tonight. I'm just hoping my frustration lasts until then.

I think there is a really good chance.

So, was this TMI?

~Do not expand~

1 comment:

~J~ said...

Well, I know I'M not...

Hmmm. Never thought of that. What a sucky side effect!

*laugh* Totally!! I will say that.