Monday, November 28, 2005

Thank You!!!

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First of all, I want to thank all the well-wishers. It is very much appreciated.

And thank you to Cricket for sending them my way. You are so sweet!

And now for the update: None of us know how long she is going to hold on. She might hold on for quite awhile, but we -in our non-medical opinions- don't believe she has very long.

Her doctor has agreed to prescribe anything to make her comfortable. I think that statement says more than any other.

At the moment, if she is laying down, she is pretty comfortable. It's when she needs to be moved that she feels pain. Plus, -and this must be where I learned it- she isn't showing she's in pain, and she's not saying when she feels pain either. You have to watch closely for it.

I also found out more info on brain scans. I always believed they were able to scan the whole brain. Nope. I guess stuff doesn't show up on the scan until it has reached the surface of the brain. Basically, that means we don't know how deep this goes.

There is no treatment, or any way of slowing it down.

The most difficult thing was her having trouble talking. I think a person can put up with just about anything, as long as they are still able to communicate. And I guess she is able to get the really important things out. I can see how frustrated she is though.

During that last post, I was in freak out mode. The shock has worn off. I think I just expected her to be around longer than this. I have come to terms with it. My daughter is not handling it very well though. This was the grandma that took care of her the most. I'm not really sure how to guide her through her feelings. I think she is keeping them inside too much. She needs to express them in one way or another.

We are going to visit as much as possible. It's time.

~Do not expand~

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